RCI viva: Radio Canada International’s New Web Service Montreal, Tuesday, November 7, 2020—Radio Canada International (RCI) is pleased to announce the launch today of its brand new Web service, RCI viva, targeting both recent and aspiring immigrants to Canada. The international broadcaster created this initiative with the goal of promoting cultural harmony. It allows the CBC to go a step further in making Canadian culture available to all—both at home and abroad—while reinforcing the CBC/Radio-Canada group’s strength in this area. Plus, with its wide accessibility, the Internet is fast becoming an excellent way to reach new arrivals. “This first foray into national radio adds an extra dimension to the mandate of RCI, which has been broadcasting Canadian content overseas since 1945. Through RCI viva, RCI is staying true to its original mission while adapting it to the current reality and changing face of our societies,” said Sylvain Lafrance, CBC/Radio-Canada’s Executive Vice-President, French Services. A component of www.RCInet.ca, RCI viva was designed to address issues commonly faced by those who have immigrated or are looking to immigrate to Canada. Among other things, RCI viva offers a Web radio service that will air programs in English and French, but also in Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Ukrainian. Content will include social context and arts & entertainment stories to help immigrants discover their new home; handy tips to help them fit in and do what they need to do; capsules to help them hone their skills in the two official languages; and discussion boards to share their experiences, so they can be heard and get involved in their newly adopted community. This tailored orientation program will be available via podcast and streaming audio at www.RCInet.ca. “RCI viva will play a pivotal role for immigrant
communities who choose Canada as their home. We hope that RCI
viva will be used and recognized as a vehicle for building bridges
between Canadians of all cultural backgrounds,” said RCI’s
Executive Director Jean Larin. Now more than ever, Radio Canada International
is emerging as a multicultural, multilingual and multimedia broadcaster.
On the heels of launching its satellite channel RCI plus on SIRIUS Canada,
RCI is proud of this groundbreaking service—a true gateway for all
new and prospective arrivals to the country.
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